Authentication and Technical Service Department

The Authentication and Technical service  Department was introduced at the Computer Center under the Deans’ Council decision on October 15, 2012. The Department has the obligations to apply quality standards and procedures, document and follow up different tasks and provide IT services in a quality manner, contribute to the organization of administrative procedures and interactions among different departments, and to specify tasks and document work procedures.



The Authentication and Technical services  Department has the following Tasks:

1. Promote the culture of quality among the staff of the Center and organize courses and meetings in the field of quality assurance.

2. Develop general procedures to implement quality assurance policies at the Center.

3. Trace equipment needed for improving the quality of services.

4. Collect data and information required for quality management.

5. Prepare an annual plan for total quality management at the center.

6. Guarantee the continuity of assessment and quality assurance.

7. Identify the actual reality of the quality of services offered by the center.

8. Prepare and follow-up development plans and display the results to the management.

9. Oversee the preparation of the Center’s strategic plan.

10. Provide support and advice concerning the quality field.

11. Oversee the preparation of the Center’s policies in collaboration with all departments.

12. Identify gaps that prevent achieving quality through cooperation with the Center’s departments and the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center of the University.

13. The preparation of quality forms and feedback questionnaires.

14. Prepare annual reports on the achievements of the administration.

15.    Facilitate the daily use of the internet and software.

16.    Facilitate the use of labs for teaching and practical exercises.

17.    Provide services relating to online registration and add/drop process for students.

18.    Student courses.

19.    Running and maintaining desktops.

20.    Organize the entry of students to the labs and perform the booking process for students.

21.    Ensure the validity of devices and report malfunctions.

22.    Ensure the validity of software and update them when needed.

23.    Ensure the proper use of devices.

24. Assist students on the use of hardware or software.

25. Receive inquiry phone calls from users and service seekers, the officer attempts to solve the problem through phone conversations, if not viable; the officer transfers the problem to the concerned department.

26. Follow-up the service request till it’s completed and record the name of the service provider and time needed to solve the problem.

27. Follow-up software license and maintenance agreements.

28. Develop hardware, accessories and supplies specifications.

29. Study bids and proposals related to computers.

30. Receipt of tender documents and ensure the tender specifications are in compliance with the required specifications.

31. Follow-up suppliers and ensure delivery of free maintenance.

32. Release performance bond or guarantees.

33. Follow-up with maintenance companies.

34. Use all available means to solve problems, and provide timely and effective performance.

35. Monitor the work of servers and avoid slow-downs.

36.Documentation and record-keeping of problem cases for reference when needed.

37. Arrange with specialists or companies to perform periodic maintenance of the hardware.